Raised bed Timber complete set

Art.Nr. 20474

Here you can download the assembly instructions of the Raised bed Timber complete set.

Download PDF in different languages - instruction with spacer tube (until october 2020) 

Download PDF in different languages - Instruction with straight stabilising bar (until september 2021)

Download PDF in different languages - Instruction with curved stabilising bar (since october 2021)


Raised bed Timber basic or complete set

Art.Nr. 20476

Here you can download the assembly instructions of the Raised bed Timber basic or complete set.
Download PDF in different languages - instruction with spacer tube (until october 2020) 

Download PDF in different languages - Instruction with straight stabilising bar (until september 2021) 

Download PDF in different languages - Instruction with curved stabilising bar (since october 2021)


Raised bed Timber extension set

Art.Nr. 20477

Here you can download the assembly instructions of the Raised bed Timber extension set.
Download PDF in different languages - instruction with spacer tube (until October 2020): 

Download PDF in different languages - instruction with straight stabilising bar (since October 2021): 


Raised bed Timber 4 rows

Art.Nr. 20470

Here you can download the assembly instructions of the Raised bed Timber 4 rows.

Download PDF in different languages - instruction with spacer tube (until october 2020)

Download PDF in different languages - Instruction with straight stabilising bar (until september 2021) 

Download PDF in different languages - Instruction with curved stabilising bar (since october 2021) 

Video assembly instructions


Raised bed Timber 3 rows

Art.Nr. 20471

Here you can download the assembly instructions of the Raised bed Timber 3 rows.

Download PDF in different languages - instruction with spacer tube (until October 2020) 

Download PDF in different languages - Instruction with straight stabilising bar (until October 2021)

Download PDF in different languages - Instruction with curved stabilising bar (since October 2021)

Video assembly instructions


Raised bed Timber combi-set

Art.Nr. 20478

Here you can download the assembly instructions of the Raised bed Timber combi-set.

Download PDF in different languages - instruction with spacer tube (until october 2020): 

Download PDF in different languages - Instruction with straight stabilising bar (until september 2021): 

Download PDF in different languages - Instruction with curved stabilising bar (since october 2021) 

Video 1 - assembly instructions  
Video 2 - assembly instructions
Video 3 - assembly instructions  


Raised bed Timber ergoline

Art.Nr. 20479

Here you can download the assembly instructions of the Raised bed Timber ergoline.

Download PDF in different languages - instruction with spacer tube (until october 2020)

Download PDF in different languages - Instruction with straight stabilising bar (until september 2021)

Download PDF in different languages - Instruction with curved stabilising bar (since october 2021)


Timber slug barrier

Art.Nr. 20448

Here you can download the assembly instructions of the Timber slug barrier

Download PDF in different languages:


Cold frame 130/60 for raised bed Timber

Art.Nr. 20342

Here you can download the assembly instructions of the cold frame 130/60 for raised bed Timber.
Download PDF in different languages:


Planter box for balcony and terrace

Art.Nr. 20469

Here you can download the assembly instructions.

Download PDF instructions with spacer tube length (until June 2021)

Download PDF instructions with spacer tube depth (since July 2021)